Recent Publications

  • MemVLT: Visual-Language Tracking with Adaptive Memory-based Prompts. X. Feng, X. Li, S. Hu, D. Zhang, M. Wu, J. Zhang, X. Chen, and K. Huang Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2024. [link]

  • Beyond Accuracy: Tracking more like Human through Visual Search. D. Zhang, S. Hu, X. Feng, X. Li, M. Wu, J. Zhang, K. Huang. Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2024. [link]

  • DTLLM-VLT: Diverse Text Generation for Visual Language Tracking Based on LLM. X. Li, X. Feng, S. Hu, M. Wu, D. Zhang, J. Zhang, and K. Huang. CVPR Workshop on Vision Datasets Understanding and DataCV Challenge (CVPRW, Oral, Best Paper Honorable Mention Award), 2024. [link]

  • BioDrone: A Bionic Drone-based Single Object Tracking Benchmark for Robust Vision. X. Zhao, S. Hu, Y. Wang, J. Zhang, Y. Hu, R. Liu, H. Ling, Y. Li, R. Li, K. Liu, and J. Li. International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), 2023. [link]

  • Visual Intelligence Evaluation Techniques for Single Object Tracking: A Survey (单目标跟踪中的视觉智能评估技术综述) S. Hu, X. Zhao, and K. Huang Journal of Images and Graphics (《中国图象图形学报》, CCF-B Chinese Journal), 2023 [link]

  • A Multi-modal Global Instance Tracking Benchmark (MGIT): Better Locating Target in Complex Spatio-temporal and Causal Relationship. S. Hu, D. Zhang, M. Wu, X. Feng, X. Li, X. Zhao, and K. Huang. Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2023. [link]

  • SOTVerse: A User-defined Task Space of Single Object Tracking. S. Hu, X. Zhao, and K. Huang. International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), 2023. [link]

  • Global Instance Tracking: Locating Target more like Humans. S. Hu, X. Zhao, L. Huang, and K. Huang. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), 2022. [link]

  • GOT-10k: A Large High-diversity Benchmark for Generic Object Tracking in the Wild. L. Huang, X. Zhao, and K. Huang. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), 2019. [link]


2024.09📝Two papers (MemVLT) and (CPDTrack) have been accepted by the 38th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS, CCF-A Conference, Poster).

2024.08📣One tutorial proposal has been accepted by the 17th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), the tutorial will be conducted in Dec. 2024 (Hanoi, Vietnam).

2024.07📣One tutorial proposal has been accepted by the 27th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), the tutorial will be conducted in Dec. 2024 (Kolkata, India).

2024.05🏆Invited by Springer, Dr. Hu will complete a book in Dec. 2024 with Prof. Xin Zhao and Prof. Xucheng Yin (title: Visual Object Tracking - An Evaluation Perspective).

2024.05🏆Dr. Hu obtained Beijing Outstanding Graduates.

2024.05🏆Xuchen Li obtained Beijing Outstanding Graduates.

2024.05📣We presented our work (GIT) at TPAMI'23 during the VALSE2024 poster session (May 2024, Chongqing, China), see our 🪧Poster for more information.

2024.04📝One paper (DTLLM-VLT) has been accepted as Oral Presentation and awarded Best Paper Honorable Mention Award by the 3rd CVPR Workshop on Vision Datasets Understanding and DataCV Challenge (CVPRW, Workshop in CCF-A Conference, Oral, Best Paper Honorable Mention Award).

2024.04📣Dr. Hu plans to continuously update learning notes on the application of cognitive neuroscience in the field of computer vision on Zhihu. The reference textbook is "Understanding Vision: Theory, Models, and Data" by Prof. Zhaoping Li. Interested researchers are welcome to join the discussion.

2024.01📣One tutorial proposal has been accepted by the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP, CCF-C Conference), the tutorial will be conducted in Oct. 2024 (Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, tutorial title: An Evaluation Perspective in Visual Object Tracking: from Task Design to Benchmark Construction and Algorithm Analysis).

2024.01🪙One project about human-computer interaction in intelligent education has been funded by the 2023 Intelligent Education Ph.D. Research Fund, supported by the Institute of AI Education Shanghai and East China Normal University.

2024.01👩‍🎓Dr. Hu got her Ph.D. degree at Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA) and University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS).

2023.12📝One paper (BioDrone) has been accepted by International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV, CCF-A Journal, IF=19.5).

2023.12🏆Dailing Zhang obtained The First Prize of the Science and Innovation Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences University.

2023.12🏆Xuchen Li obtained China National Scholarship (国家奖学金, only 1% students of BUPT win this scholarship).

2023.11🏆Xuchen Li obtained Merit Student of Beijing.

2023.11👩‍🎓Dr. Hu passed the doctoral thesis defense with unanimous distinction.

2023.10🏆Dr. Hu obtained China National Scholarship (国家奖学金, top 1%, only 8 Ph.D. students in main campus of UCAS win this scholarship).

2023.10🏆Dr. Hu obtained First Prize of Climbing Scholarship (攀登一等奖学金, only 6 students in CASIA win this scholarship).

2023.09📝One survey has been accepted by Journal of Images and Graphics (CCF-B Chinese Journal).

2023.09📝One paper (MGIT) has been accepted by the 37th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS, CCF-A Conference, Poster).

2023.09📝One paper (SOTVerse) has been accepted by International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV, CCF-A Journal, IF=19.5)

2023.06🏆Meiqi Wu obtained Merit Student of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.

2023.06🏆Xiaokun Feng obtained Merit Student of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.

2022.12🏆Xuchen Li obtained China National Scholarship (国家奖学金, only 1% students of BUPT win this scholarship).

2022.06🏆Dr. Hu obtained Merit Student of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.

2022.06🏆Meiqi Wu obtained Merit Student of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.

2022.04🏆Xiaokun Feng obtained Beijing Outstanding Graduates.

2022.02📝One paper (GIT) has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI, CCF-A Journal, IF=23.6).

2021.12🏆Xiaokun Feng obtained China National Scholarship (国家奖学金, only 1% students of BIT win this scholarship).

2020.12🏆Xiaokun Feng obtained China National Scholarship (国家奖学金, only 1% students of BIT win this scholarship).

2020.12🏆Dailing Zhang obtained China National Scholarship (国家奖学金, only 1% students of SEU win this scholarship).

2019.11📝One paper (GOT-10k) has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI, CCF-A Journal, IF=23.6).